Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Twitter's New Bird Logo and its Effect on Development

This is turning out to be quite interesting. Twitter changed its logo earlier this month. Add to that some strict trademark guidelines and you've got another legal maze to struggle through especially if you are a developer/designer. Many FOSS developers do not even fully understand the GPLs, LGPLs, MITs and BSDs so what about these Twitter trademark guidelines! Now this will affect (slightly) the web design/development department. What?
  1. No speech bubbles on the logo,
  2. The bird MUST face to the right,
  3. Nothing like animated (GIFs) of the logo,
  4. The old Twitter text and lowercase "t" are now a being no-no to Twitter,
  5. And so on and so on .... read the trademark guidelines here.
 But there are some sites that are really mocking this change, :-) :
  1. WebMonkey and,
  2. GeekoSystem to name a few.
Unless, you run some third party social media script like AddThis which quickly changed to the new icon (read this post), you'll have to stay with the old ones until some really colorful (and crazy) PhotoShop designs start flooding webspace.
Since this script comes with the Twitter social icon out of the box it means I'll have to change it to the new one somehow. [aside] Or may be I should just learn some Photoshop, join ViolateTwitterBrandGuidelines, and get something out for the next release[/aside]. That is easy, I hear you say. But if you get into licensing you'll have to wade through so much "free stuff" to get the ones that are compatible to your script's/app's licence. BTW, this script is GPLed. Welcome to the world of Open Source programming!


(Shameless plugging?) Revision C of 1.0 will be coming out soon. This will fix some E_STRICT warning that was being generated by the PassData class.


software development company chennai tamilnadu india said...

good update more.. that am doing software development company in chennai india and web site development company in chennai .

saul112 said...

Nice bro.Thanks. :-P

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