Basic Formatting
- '''My text will be bold'''
- ''Italicized text''
- code{{Showing monospaced text using the CODE syntax}}code
- cent{{Centered text}}cent
- del{{Deleted text}}del
- und{{Underlined text}}und
- todo{{//TODO comments}}todo NOTE: Do not add 'TODO' in your comments. That will be added automatically
- == Heading 2 == upto ====== Heading 6 ======
- [] or [ Link text to be displayed]. A "space" separates the URI and the link text in the second format.
Internal Links
Either [[Link text to be displayed::page_ID_Number]] or [[Link text to be displayed|Existing page's Title]].
@Username Links
- @username Syntax for reply links
Email Syntax
- mail{{}}mail
- quote{{My text to be put in blockquotes}}quote
- Numbered lists. List items are appended with a hash (#).
- Bulleted lists. List items are appended with a bullet (*).